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The Very End
S3 licensed
Ah god damnit it all whent shit :/
The Very End
S3 licensed
Don't utter blasphemy here!
The Very End
S3 licensed
Jesus wtf
The Very End
S3 licensed
Quote from pipa :You misunderstood me there. TopGear is known for making jokes about serveral people, countries and ethnic groups (german is an ethnic group), so if you force the TG crew to not make jokes about certain ethnic groups then you are trying to exclude them solely based on their race.

Which would make you by definition a racist, as you are implying that their ability to deal with humour is inferior to those of other ethnic groups.

The Very End
S3 licensed
That's pretty amazing that you now have managed to alter the way the AI performs inside the game! It clearly are following some parameteres / commands. Just getting to this step has clearly been a long road, and it still is a long way to go, yet you deserve a clap on the shoulder for great work!
The Very End
S3 licensed
I'd say it's about 2564 millions more highres than the RB4 cockpit.
The Very End
S3 licensed
Quote from Boris Lozac :Do you want our national forced funding television? It reruns tv shows from 25 years ago, haven't produced anything new for 10 years AND it has commercials all day, which it shouldn't cause it's funded. lol, hating on BBC, talk about first world problems.

Don't you **** with me mister! I am not kidding, no I am not, I will god damn tell you what they show on the national channel here (top list, and it's true)

1: A train ride from one part of the country to the other with a camera mounted on the front car. Lastet a whole day!

2: A boat / cruise trip which lasted... god knows, a day or more, and it was shown NON-STOP

But... even tho the channel shows shit, it's without commercials and it does produce some good stuff every now and then. I actually can live with that. I rather pay for something that does not have commercials. Commercials really can get my blood boiling.
The Very End
S3 licensed
Many countries pay the license fee for channels and programs we don't use (most of us), so that argument you cannot use.
The Very End
S3 licensed
This is... just let it die allready. Don't let this topic go to shit because someone found something offensive with it.

The fact here is, most people who veiwed this episode have no clue that it was meant that way, IF it even was meant that way let it just pass allready. I am not saying racism is ok, but honestly I canot see the big deal here.

If people, which are the target ones by this joke is offended, then I can symptaize with that, but so far it's only other people that clings up on their moral horse to defend and make a problem out of something so small
Again, racism is bad, but I think you/we are overreaction a little.
The Very End
S3 licensed
People are ****ing retarded.
The Very End
S3 licensed
I guess it's because it's trying to be accessable for a broad range of audience. Nevertheless, I enjoyed it.
But about scripting, do you think it was scriped when he rolled over with the crane lift?
The Very End
S3 licensed
But other normal developers, indies and not, announce what they work on specifiq. They also changes adds/removes through the development, but instead ScaViEr beeing really poor at learning how to filter the usefull information and feedback from the community. They killed off the whole thing by ignoring the community which made this game to what it is today.

It's actually quite simple, ignore the worst whiners and focus your energy on the ones worth your time. Not treat us all like fools by giving out one statement each year "working on stuff, secret you can't see". It worked in 2008-2009, but not anymore.
Last edited by The Very End, .
The Very End
S3 licensed
Tested it, very early stage with ofc. bugs, lack of stuff and so on, but shows promis! The driving model seems like a good amount of fun
The Very End
S3 licensed
Lol at the 5 last lanes
The Very End
S3 licensed
God damn rallypack!
The Very End
S3 licensed
Loved the last episode. Really interesting scenery / location. Plays out like a documentary, but it's allright - some comedy in between makes it enjoyable
The Very End
S3 licensed
Wow, such development, much progres!
Also, you god damn blasphemic ****s will all end up in everybody else D:
The Very End
S3 licensed
Some say that the release of shitrocko is the 2th coming of jesus,
I'd say it's the sign of the apocalypse!
The Very End
S3 licensed
Quote from dawesdust_12 :Well it's true. If Scawen says anything more, the forum erupts into thermonuclear war.

Whatt to have a bet? Let's see what comes first, WW3 or Shitrocko?
The Very End
S3 licensed
Quote from Forbin :What was up with the constant blue flame coming out of the exhaust on the 918?

Wondering the same, effect added in later or is it actually blue like that in real life?
The Very End
S3 licensed
Ah haha! Clever noticed
The Very End
S3 licensed
Quote from Boris Lozac :Studio full of seeders and leechers

Say what? Did not catch that one
The Very End
S3 licensed
Fun episode, cool that they managed to get that star into that episode
I might agree on the bicycle thing, but more than once it did throw some fun jokes so it was allright.

Looking forward to the special haha, sounds fun!
The Very End
S3 licensed
I wish you were a propper user with a propper voice, sadly many years of LFSForum'ing has taught me that you most likely are some other user which creates a new account to post on because either: 1: You are too affraight to stand up for you belifs and opinions on the known user account, or 2: You are banned and had to create a new account to post - chances are that the ban was for a reason.

If somehow both options above is wrong, I welcome you to this bitching hell named LFSForum. For the sake of not getting a heart attack, don't take much too serious, but if you do, prepare to be bombarded from every hold from the crapcannons.

I am not sure what to make of your posts, so I won't.